
I gotta be honest with my readers today (there's a fair amount of you, thank you very much to each and everyone as you read this parenthetical statement)

I'm out of it.

Rob Bell elaborated on the topic of Christianity in Velvet Elvis saying "its meant to take everything out of you"

Jesus even said "The way is narrow."

C.S. Lewis said "Christianity is meant to be difficult, there would be no reason for a simple religion which is why atheism doesn't work"

Trying to be happy and chipper all the time is tough folks, surprisingly enough its the smallest things that trip me up.

Like a track meet.

I'm not going to elaborate big time and make this a pity party. But I have to say, while today wasn't bad per say. It was more of a blah. I want to be so many different places but I need to be doing what I can with where I'm at. I'm going to quick throw some shout outs today because these were highlights. I also enjoy complimenting people. Makes me feel good. (trust me everyone that merits a shout out will eventually get one because I love to)

One particularly amazing teacher that exemplifies everything that the prior authors and Jesus stated. Pouring herself out day after day without any end in sight. She puts her students first day in and day out. Me included. I don't typically connect with teachers. (yes I like teachers and they like me no doubt) But it really became apparent today that she had my best interests at heart and wanted me to shine like she knows I can. She won't let me wreck myself and hasn't for the past three years. Thank you.

Another goes out to two wonderful musicians and and fellow friend that assisted me with the feat. It was actually a photo shoot for the paper and I love being in that element. Getting all showey, talking like "oh yes, get angry at me, beautiful darling" and taking pictures. I loved it. It was just an amazing release for me and I actually ended up with some good shots as well. Thank you.

Of course a little thanking goes to my fellow shakers for dealing with the pain and monotony of yet another track meet.

If I missed you I apologize, worry not, like I said you will get shouted at.

More than ever, be that person, make someone smile. I needed it today and when I got it, I was eternally grateful.

ø Connor ø