
How fragile life is yet we continue to fail at appreciating the ultimate gift of life given by God. Today I listened to stories, from friends, about how they witnessed the tragic death of a 6 year old girl who drowned in a Holiday jacuzzi on Sunday. At that moment I realized how little my problems are. These little issues are prohibiting us from living the way we should. I complain and complain and complain--for what? To make myself feel better? To draw attention towards myself? The selfishness we exert blocks the beautiful light of our hearts. So if you see me sometime scream in my face about how ignorant and egocentric I am, because it's all true!! Embarrass me so I change the way I act, because I'm beginning to become disgusted with some of my actions and habits. So apart from screaming at me, try and actually live these upcoming days. Smell the grass, make some friends, touch Sam Olson's head, bake some home-made cookies (then share with me), and experience the undiscovered. Live today for yesterday is the past. And don't forget to breathe!!!


Sarah said...

Im running out of things to say to all you guys! I love this post, so true!