Rug Burn

The gymnasium at my former elementary school is one of a kind. It had the "envious" floor covered in carpet. Don't ask me why but for some reason they decided to cover the entire floor in grey carpet. So one day I stood on top of the beloved carpet with my brand new sweat pants. I'm the youngest of 4 kids so I was constantly receiving hand-me-downs. But not this pair. I cherished these pants more than chocolate milk (and I LOVE! chocolate milk).

But of course what happens in the first 10 minutes of gym class? I slide on my knee and burn a huge hole in my beautiful, cherished, PERFECT PANTS!!! UGH! But it took 8 years and an ice bath with a friend to realize that the carpet resembles a friendship. Friends are there for support and look out for you when you fall. Of course there are going to be times when you fall and burn your knee. Friends aren't perfect so don't expect them to be. Friends will burn your knees and ruin your pants (wait.........what?), but a true friendship will have you coming back for more no matter how much blood is spilt. So pull up your sweatpants and start running cause it's time to make friends. Keep it real readers :)


Sarah said...

hahaha wow that sheds a new light on the good old Lincoln gymnasium! Love this lol

Anonymous said...

hahahah..YESSS! :) Good work!