

Finally done with that marathon of today. Saturday night-Sunday morning (11-7) sleep work later on Sunday (6-11). Done done done done done! Time for a mini blog post and sleep. I suppose now is a better time than ever, how are you guys? Its always good to keep in with our readers. Feel free to drop us an email if you ever want us to talk about anything ( Just so you all know.

Besides that today was pretty good, after I finished my overnight checklist I got the privilege to read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. Granted the Narnia series is no doubt amazing. Really it is. His other works that are more non-fictional are superb. (thats the best word I could think of on the spot) His thought processes and the way he explains himself and his ideas is nothing shy of revolutionary. If I could have a Q&A with him nowadays I might freak out with excitement. Sadly he has passed on to bigger and better.

In other news. I'm still bad day fre-WAIT. I just remembered, its Sunday. I have to get a weekly challenge out there.

Forgiveness. It very well may be one of the more difficult things to do on this world. (lot of words I know) But it is a necessary thing to do. This week I want you guys and gals to try to forgive someone that you just can't. You just don't want to, they don't deserve it. Whether you think they may or not. Its hurting you too. Now I would love to go in depth on Rob Bells nooma video "Luggage" but I can't tonight. Its deep and I would encourage watching it. In short he talks about how if you don't forgive someone, its like telling God you don't trust He will take care of it. Like He can't handle something like that.

I suppose my last point for the night will be for you all to have a great week. Take care. Go forgive someone. Don't let it be too late. Lift a weight off your own shoulders.

Much love
ø Connor ø