I'm actually sitting down typing this after prom in my friend's basement. I gotta keep something for our loyal readers to read. =D.
First before I get going, how are you all today? How are you really doing? Is someone named Veronica sitting behind you placing bobby pins in your hair? one by one. until you feel an itch but when you move to scratch it, there's a small piece of metal blocking you from that sensation of scratching an itch. That's how it is for me, but onwards and upwards.
I suppose the only place to begin is with the actual prom proceedings. I was astounded by the time Staples/Motley devoted to prom related festivities. I left Alexandria at 12:30 or so to make it in Staples by 2. From there we went to take pictures and all the other such activities. I would be lying if I were to say I was confident about the whole scenario. Truthfully, I'm somewhat terrified of people. Especially new ones. I can talk and joke around all I want, attempting to "hit it off," with a new acquaintance but the whole time the inner Connor is nagging me saying "nope, they don't care. Just give it up." So in short.
I was nervous.
Nothing new there. You see my friend vouched for these people, and we've all been there, but something was different this time.
They were all absolutely amazing.
Nothing wrong with big city people, no doubt, but these small town people were phenomenal. In such a small community it was no surprise that everyone taking pictures initially was so together and making jokes. The routine stuff among friends. I know I'm talking about some big surprise and I have to admit that although it is cliche, these people deserve a shout out. They were very accepting and welcoming to me.
Despite being an outsider.
I loved every minute of the night (and afternoon). Started out with succulent steak provided by some outstanding parents of these people. Progressing on to pictures, pictures, and more pictures. On mine alone I think I took roughly 500-600. So it was a busy night before the dance even started. Even at the dance it was just dancing and even more "new friends" no doubt if I ever have the opportunity to hang out with these people in the future I will gladly accept that offer.
But this post isn't about Prom, that's just a dance, 2-3 hours. This is a post about the kindness of people. I'm actually going to agree with Anne Frank in saying that people are good at heart. This is a post to accepting new people in new situations. Many of you readers are in a walk of life to which this could apply. School, Work, College, anywhere. This is actually a precursor to next weeks challenge of the week. But I'll post that tomorrow.
For today.
Reflect on a situation where you got included. Strive for making that inclusion possible for others, not so that you may "chalk it up" , rather so that you may grow as a person, and gain a potential new friend.
In this basement right now, I'm surrounded by a group of individuals that made this prom feel like my hometown one, rather than a foreign one. By a group of people that decided not to exclude me, not for their own scorecard, but to give me an actual chance. This post right here is to that group of people. This post goes out to Ho (explanation needed for this one but I will give it later), Katlynn, Kelly, Ryan, Chandler Emma, Celeste, Sam, Abby, Katie, Skyler, Jaci, John, Alec, All the parents that helped, and anyone whose name I forgot (sorry about that one, I'm kinda new in Staples)
This one's for you guys,
Thank You
(P.S. "H.O." stands for Hallie Olsen apparently in Staples she is referred to as Ho, nothing to do with any negative connotations you may be thinking about, it's just a way of life, even the school staff called her Ho, those nifty small town people)
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