While I haven't been blogging, I've had so much to blog about. I'm glad I have a Joe to remind me of that.
First off big big big big big BIG thanks to God, wow between C.S. Lewis, Timothy Keller, and Rob Bell, He's been rocking my mind and life lately. I've never been more excited for camp this summer. Problems don't seem like a big deal anymore. Life is just good.
I think I'm going to echo Joe's post actually and conduct some shouting out.
First to my Aunt. She's new to the family as of last year. That's not holding her back. She's already taken an interest in being amazing. Right now she may be in labor or birthing my new cousin. Keep thinkin about her and prayin.
Also, I am standing by my refusal to have a bad day. If you are surrounded by good company. It's not possible.
Really, it's true.
I want to get that other shaker posting because he's had a lot going on, at least it's been a privilege to hang out with him and perform our usual track and post track shananigans.
This is actually going to turn into a pouring out of happy, or will it?
Much Love
ø Connor ø
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