First post from Lutheran Island Camp (where I will be staying for the duration of the summer)
First post from my wonderful friend Tuxie's laptop. Tuxie also happens to be an adult.
First post with my wonderful newly acquired friend Flash.
It already feels like something amazing is happening, just being on the island.
Well I suppose you should see the island before I continue - The camp's official website -a video shot by a production crew to help promote the island.
I'll be the first senior to say (in blog form) that I'm nervous in blog form. I have too many things to do (and in walks my new friend Theatre) Finals to study for, homework to make up for my internship. AHH! (Caps are tacky, but necessary and effective?)
But for some reason I can't think about school...
I'm going to a rant about camp for a post.
This place is beautiful. Green everywhere, grass, trees, from the sky it's an emerald in the midst of the blue surroundings. I don't actually know how to put words to this.
The community. I have only been here for a night or so and met a little of the staff and they are already welcoming and receptive. It seems that I always encounter the good people in life. I probably have a crew of people that won't enjoy my company waiting for me later on. Let's all hope I'm prepared for when that day comes.
I have a grad party to attend to bloggers, it's for a good friend of mine. Congratulations Stephanie! Your speech was wonderful. I'm actually going to be running into you in a little bit.
Much Love
ø Connor ø
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