I'm going to second Connor's part of his last post when he said he's starting to get nervous for the end of school. Finals, grad parties, graduation ceremony. But I'm not dwelling on that right now.
At the present, I'm chilling with my aunt and two cousins in our hotel room. Watching soccer highlights from last year's World Cup, Twin's game tonight and lovely conversation. Needless to say, we are chilling. And I'm loving it.
So take some time to enjoy your family and do something fun to make a memory. Especially you seniors that leave next fall. Enjoy your family while you can. That's what I'm starting to learn.
One last thing. Verse of the day for my boot tomorrow: 1 Timothy 6:8 "If we have food and clothes, let us be content."
Song of the Day: Wonder of the World by Rush of Fools
Chill Time
Posted by 4normlguys at 6:34 PM
Wedding Day
Today is the day this trip is all about.
The Wedding.
This morning at 10 is when it goes down. This blog post goes out to my cousin and his fiance. I love you guys and make no mistake that we will be praying for God's blessings in your marriage. I look up to you both in your faith. Keep reflecting the Light and loving each other like Christ does to the church.
Peace out, readers.
Song of the Day: Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath
This one has been on my mind for a while.
I also want a disclaimer. You can choose to take this or leave this.
The Word
Where are getting our info?
Often times, and a lot more lately for some reason, I find myself getting good quotes from books and preachers I've been reading or listening to, respectively. But I've been thinking to myself, "Where am I getting my food for the day?"
Of course when I say food I don't mean physical food. Don't get smart with me. ;)
I mean my spiritual food. What I learn from. Where I get my substance. And lately I've been realizing that it all seems to come up empty. Don't get me wrong, there are some ridiculously good quotes out there that I adore, but when it stands by itself and that's all we listen to, how am I getting my fill from that alone?
I've been putting too much weight on these books and quotes. I need to get back to what I was doing before.
Revelation 2:5 "Think about where you have fallen from, and then turn back and do as you did at first. If you don't turn back, I will come and take away your lampstand."
There we go. It's all about...
Song of the Day: I Am New by Joel Hanson
So as I was fretting about earlier, here's a special preview of my "It's Our Turn" for the Echo:
Being the photography intern for two weeks has be a privilege, especially at the Echo Press. But I'm not going to write about being the intern, nobody wants to read an article about how a high school student learned how to take pictures and edit them. How he managed to lose valuable equipment while on the field, well it was a pretty important camera battery. At the least, I don't want to read that article.
Readers want something that's fun to read, something that will leave them with a little lesson to take away from the experience. (I'm actually generalizing the readers, I hope it's a good generalization) Most of all.
People want a good story to read.
To be able to forget about everything going on in life and press the pause button. Only to realize the remote doesn't work. In Donald Miller's book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years life is compared to a story lived by each individual, and like all stories, some are fun to hear and some aren't. In fashion with other books that provoke thought.
I wanted to apply this book to my life.
What had I been doing to make my story fun to hear and take part in? Graduating high school? Attending college next year? One of the main components of any good story includes a character (me) overcoming conflict to gain something they want. (actually I don't even know what I want from life) I just know for sure that I want my story to be told and enjoyed.
Now is the time I should zero in on a topic I suppose.
One of my favorite quotes from the book has to be along the lines of
"When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are."
In the social driven world we're in today that quote sounds like the skeleton key to unlock all of our problems at the workplace, home, and everywhere. Personally I tend to, “raise the bar” for my family, peers, and coworkers. By that I mean. Everybody should know what I want and do things my way. So whether I'm working or taking y turn to be the consumer, it's not uncommon for me to be a bit...demanding. Ironically this brushes over the famed “Golden Rule” to which we teach our youth to value and make decisions based on. I'm going to make an assumption: I'm not the only person that forgets the Golden Rule.
Treating others the way you would like to be treated is such a wonderful way to start a new chapter in your story. It's been a work in progress for mine but I'm noticing differences already. Being a cashier in my occupation has brought out the best, and worst in both me and at times customers. If you were to poll retail associates across all time and space about their favorite customers, one similarity would stick out. Patience, and cooperation are the most dynamic components of a good customer, even from the customer point of view. I find that when I don't blow up my purchase of eggs into something much more than a minor transaction, everything flows better.
So next time you roll up to your local grocer or retail venue, think about this mere column you read, and write a better chapter into your life.
Much Love
ø Connor ø
It's an early post from Connor!
— Donald Miller
The Trek
Here we come, Kentucky.
My family and I are making a trek to Lexington, Kentucky.
Day 1- No casualties... Yet. My bro made some glances at me that made me think he was getting shifty but I think all is well in this clan so far.
I'm very happy in making the choice to come and spend this time to make one last endeavor with my family -whom I love to no end- instead of going to conference. Although it turned out that I couldn't with the whole ordeal with my foot.
Anyway, just to keep you guys posted, everything is well. I will ask for prayer though tonight as I climb into the bed I have to share with my bro-bro. Pray he wouldn't beat me up in his sleep or kick me as hard as he kicks the soccer balls on the field. The past record has been clean but there are firsts for everything.... :)
Have a good night, my friends. Love somebody. Don't get nit-picky on details between each other. Love them for who they are and continue to grow in friendships. This is what I'm trying to do also.
Song of the Day: Born Again by Newsboys
Your Welcome
Your wishes have been granted fellow readers! I linked each post with the name of the writer. So now if you have a favorite author you can just click on his name and read each of his posts, without having to search our entire blog.
Also, everyone is now allowed to comment. You do not have to be a follower of the blog or have a g-mail account. I changed the setting so anonymous readers can leave a comment. Feel free to leave your name, but we're not pressuring you to.
Hope you enjoy the new settings!
Gentlemen Lesson #3
What's going on with me? I haven't had a gentlemen's lesson since forever! It must be the crazy weather we've been having. Snow, rain, 80 degree weather, all in the last month.
Ok gentlemen, it's time to step up your game and 'wow' everyone out there. This lesson is focusing on giving up your seat when someone is looking for a seat or who looks uncomfortable standing up. I know this is going to take some sacrafice--standing on your own two feet for who knows how long! It can really take a toll on you. Of course I'm kidding! Partake in a little physical activity and let someone else enjoy the relaxation of sitting down on a comfy chair or couch.
There are some situations where you should not give up your seat, however. Let's say you're having a conversation with someone on a couch. Don't give up your seat and be rude to the other person who you were just talking to.
Once you have given up your seat try to act as cool and comfortable as possible. If you look awkward and uneasy people will notice since you have now become the center of attenion. Make it seem like you actually enjoy standing (even if you don't). Lean up against a pole or wall, talk with other standers, start an aerobic exercise, whatever it takes to remind other people in the room that you have no objection to standing.
I garauntee that your good deed will not go unnoticed. No one will probably ever say it to your face but everyone in the room will be thinking how nice and considerent you are for standing. This is especially true when giving up your seat to a grandparent. They'll go up to your parents and tell them how you are such a nice young man. They might even give you a quarter. A WHOLE QUARTER!!! So keep your eyes open for the opportunities, keep your legs in shape, and stand.
Posted by 4normlguys at 7:56 AM
Labels: Gentlemen Lesson, Joe
— Donald Miller
Master of Emotions
I don't think I've written for a while because I'm getting a little lazy. Hahaha when I saw Connor's last post I was like, "Holy crap... It's so long." hahaha
But anyway, I've been trying to make the best out of the situations I'm placed in. For example, I'm getting really anxious about leaving for college. But I'm feeling the need to try and pick out what I love about the present instead of complaining about the stuff I don't like. I think this is what God is telling us about when He told us we can live life to the fullest if we stick with Him (see John 10:10).
He wants us to experience all of these emotions that He has created in us. Sad, happy, angry, confused, helpless, joy, being content. Once we have experienced them, we can learn how to deal with them. Once we learn to deal with them, we master them (with the help of God of course). It's at that point where we can truly experience all life has for us.
I'm not saying I'm at that point at all. I'm just thinking out loud and trying to understand stuff with you.
Song of the Day: Like It, Love It, Need It by dc Talk
Tomorrow, my friends
Yes, doing physical work and lifting heavy things came to be one of the better points in that day. Some time to talk to my coach/counselor/anything else you need her to be, it was enjoyable to say the least. We got to talk about my horrible attitude and how it is such a rarity. (I try to stay upbeat, but today it wasn't happening.) Along with that I got to talk more about Donald Miller, which led to C.S. Lewis, which ended up with "The Shack" which I think I need to pick up and read eventually. Just one more time through Donald Miller though. I am glad that happened, it made the practice somewhat worthwhile.
I am terribly sorry readers. I will catch up when my internet is up. Remind me of Donald Miller. My horrid saturday with silver lining and camp
It's apparent that we shakers are becoming huge fans of C.S. Lewis. His ideas on Christianity are simple thoughts, spun around to create a deeper meaning and understanding of how we live as Christians.
Lewis masterfully created The Screwtape Letters--an insightful series of letters, written from a high end demon to his young cousin apprentice, on how to defer a young human man from God. The letters reveal our own faults as Christians through the eyes of those who try to lead us toward sin. In a particular letter, Lewis writes "He [God] wants them to learn to walk and must therefore take away His hand; and if only the will to walk is really there He is pleased even with their stumbles."
We're not perfect!
How lucky are we to have a God who knows we have faults yet still loves and cherishes us with all his heart? We sin everyday but God loves us if we realize our sin and repent towards him for forgiveness. Our goal should be to work hard each and everyday to realize our sin and find solutions to try and resolve our sins. There are going to be times where we stumble and fall but I know that God will help raise us up if we are WILLING to put forth 100% of our efforts and devote our entire lives to our Savior.
Return of the Ginger
It's all Love
It feels bittersweet to be writing this and feel as well rested as I am.
Bitter-Locked my keys in my truck prior to the track meet and couldn't manage to get at them before the meet.
Sweet-Locked my keys in my truck prior to the track meet and couldn't manage to get at them before the meet, so I proceeded to hang out with my very good camp friend Dwight for the afternoon and ended up seeing Snuffy, Grover, and their nephews.
It was no doubt an eventful day.
In other news I'm loving the newspaper internship! Taking pictures, touching them up for the paper or slideshows online. I'm thinking the soonest my pictures will premiere in the paper will be next monday or wednesday. It's a good thing to do what I love for two weeks straight.
Taking pictures.
It's also a bad thing. Tonight I plan on ending my lazy streak and getting caught up on homework and all of that wonderful stuff associated with graduation and senior year. It's going to be a tough change.
I also want to take a blog paragraph to tell everybody at JHS (my high school for non-local readers) I miss em. Lots. Every class that I have people with and don't get to see em for two weeks. I miss you. Even teachers. It is by far one definite change in pace to not have everyone around me all day. Take care, I will see you in a little over a week.
This also goes to Echo Press staff (if any read this) Thank you for creating such a wonderful, welcoming work environment for me to come into. No doubt I love that. It is also a definite change in pace that I enjoy. It's great to be cube mates with the office "candy jar". Trust me Echo Press staff. You are all a fancy group of people. I don't mind coming to work in the mornings (granted as a photographer I can leave whenever to take pictures assuming a story is developing =D)
To Everyone, Thank You
Ooops (thanks Sam for integrating
Well I don’t really know how this is going to work. You see. I'm texting my post right now. Internet’s down in my house. It actually feels more natural seeing I can as text like a fiend on my phone. I swear on my storm I have at least 50 words per minute. Anyone that sees me text can vouch for me on that one. Apparently this is going to show up as like 50 posts. I will try to migrate them all to one post. Or hopefully another shaker will help me with that one. I suppose this is the best place to share everything that has been happening in the past couple days. I got through the audition process and now have the privilege of speaking at my high school graduation :). I will obviously post the speech after I give it. Got into a big argument about money today. Hated that. Hate money actually. It’s needed I suppose to establish value and such but wow is it a hassle. Other than that I have been loving may term/ my internship. The newspaper is crazy. I love how each day has been different and I get to do what I love. Take pictures! All around with cameras I can't even dream about. It’s absolutely amazing. I suppose I should try to wrap this up eventually because this is going to end up being like 20 posts because text blogging isn't the same. disappointing. Thank you for your patience shaker readers and have a wonderful night and evening and morning and the whole she bang. I will return with a weekly challenge next Sunday. Continue having a great week and gear up for a better one next week.
Much Love
This one's for my Mum...
""Dying for something is easy because it is associated with glory. Living for something is the hard thing. Living for something extends beyond fashion, glory, or recognition. We live for what we believe."
The Gospel
But thanks be to God that this isn't the end of it. He sent us His son, Jesus, to come and live a perfect life. Jesus was fully God but yet fully man, also. Which really blows my mind...
Jesus came so that He could atone for our sins by dying on the cross. He took the sins of the world, people in the past, present and anyone yet to come, upon Himself. He did all of this just so that you can spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
If you don't make this decision to accept the gift He's given you by repenting of your sins and turning from your old, sinful ways, you will go to Hell. It's a real place.
(Just a quick break from the action, please do not think I'm trying to be mean or pushing anything on you. I do NOT want to come across that way to anyone. This, however, is the Truth. And if you kind of feel like you are getting your toes stepped on, maybe that's the Holy Spirit getting at your heart. But I am saying this because I love you guys and I don't want any one of you going to Hell.)
So if you haven't made a decision to accept Christ into your life and repent your sins to God, I strongly urge you to think about it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed and eternity is right around the corner. If you have any questions about this, please don't be afraid to come to me (Sam Olson) or your pastor.
Love you guys. Keep it real.
Song of the Day: Praise and Adore (Some Live Without It) by Wavorly
Nap Time
When I was a kid I use to hate naps with a passion. The thought of sleeping, when there were so many adventures and games, angered me beyond belief. I would just lay down in my bed and make it my priority to not sleep just in spite of my parents. I sure showed them ;)
But as a kid I had nothing to worry about: no job, no financial burdens, no school worries. These things my not affect you right away but day after day they just continue to add more and more weight on to your shoulders. But I realized that if you lay down the weight no longer rests on your shoulders but on a comfy bed or couch. With all these hectic ideas flushing into my life I need some sort of get-away from reality. Those envious moments of rest allow your body and mind to recharge to take on each day with as much purpose as the next. So when you're feeling like life is just too much at the moment, turn off that phone, take those socks off, curl up with that homemade blanky and let your heavy eyelids droop down into sleep. Take a nap......you deserve it.
There are times in my life that I really want a girl. I want a wife... Though, whenever I say this around someone who is married, they always tell me to enjoy being single. Not that it's necessarily an awful thing being married or totally dreadful. I can understand where they are coming from but I just want marriage, you know? It's just one of those things.
Although I am going to wait for a while, the feeling always pops up periodically. This is, from what I can tell, a lesson on patience.
We have to wait on God and trust that He will do what's best for us. And it's that faith that gets us through these situations.
Take heart, shaker-followers. When you are getting impatient, hang in there. It's in these trials and tough times that God grows us. (see James 1 for further reference on this topic)
Song of the Day: ...And Then the Liver Screamed "Help!" by Chiodos. (Connor is going to be happy seeing this post.)
Just woke up from my overnight recovery, and the worst thing is
A Boot, a 1/2 Marathon, and a Pleasant Surprise
Some things to catch you up to speed on...
I'm currently chained to a boot. It's hot. It's sweaty. But thankfully it's not terribly heavy. Just cumbersome.
Also, this morning was the first annual 1/2 marathon for FCA. It was a fairly big success in my opinion. It will be even better in the future, so stay tuned for more on that next year.
Finally, I had a very unexpected visit from a friend. it was very nice to hang out for a brief time with my good buddy. I'm glad she had a great first year and since the other shakers have been making shout-outs, I think I'll make a shout out to you, Carrie. :)
Congrats on the great first year and it's good having ya back. My song of the day will be dedicated to you.
Have a great day everybody. Stay frosty.
Song of the Day: Our Love is Loud by David Crowder*Band
If it hasn't been noticeable to our readers.
I'm in a slight rut.
Today at lunch I reaffirmed the hypothesis that guys are the coolest people ever! I struggled to catch my breathe, from laughing so hard, when one of my friends karate chopped a plate full of applesauce. I don't know where the idea came from but I'm sure glad the event played out the way it did. Of course applesauce exploded everywhere which added to the enjoyment.
I guarantee that every female reader is rolling her eyes right now.
I'm sorry ladies but hanging out with the guys is a million times more fun without a female influence. I always wondered where male stereotypes came from but I'm starting to realize now that they come from our true actions.
So if you're feeling gloomy just follow the trail of applesauce towards some fun. We'll be waiting for you.
Drink my hot kool aid!!!!!!!!!!
- Connor (43)
- Gentlemen Lesson (3)
- Joe (15)
- Sam (34)