100th post

Wow. We've got 100 posts. I just saw that as I started to write this. Impressive.

I won't lie, it has been rocky at times through this but I hope we still have some of you here on this blog. We love you all through it all.

A couple things that I would like to write. Some may call it a compound entry.

While I was in the Nerf gun aisle at Target last night, two kids came up next to me looking at something totally different. They were probably 6 and 7 or somewhere close to that. The younger one said to the older one, "Anthony! Look! Look!" The older kid replied, "Why would I care about that?" "Because it's cool!" The younger one replied. I can only assume they were brothers and hearing that kinda tugged at my heart because the older bro was so harsh to his little brother that looked up to him. So I want to apologize to my bro because I know I was like that growing up. You're the man. Sorry bro.

2nd on the agenda, I'm totally psyched for Tenth Avenue North to come to Northwestern on September 3rd. That's going to be amazing.

Finally, I want to thank everybody that is praying for me while I'm at college, I've really started to feel them and I've really appreciated thinking about you while here in my dorm room. It's normally before I go to bed that those thoughts seep into my mind. So, thank you so much.



College Life

Phew! College. I love it.

Dorm life is a blast. Last night there was a 30-player game of Apples to Apples, a group of guys playing tackle football in a 10 foot by 20 foot area, and two crazy guys climbing up to the second floor balcony. It may sound chaotic, but it was all good. :)

I'm still trying to shake a cold that I've had for a week. It has sucked especially starting school with it, but I've gotta cling to the promise that God has a good and perfect plan for me.




I know I know.

It's been sometime.

I have been beyond busy. Camp has been everything amazing and God has more than blessed me. It just goes to prove how right Jesus was in saying the way is narrow. Trying to be a good example as well as lead and organize groups of boys is exhausting. Especially when breaks are scarce.

I could talk about this summer forever though and I don't want to. I love what I do but this post is a reminder.

A reminder to my friends in Alexandria. All of them. I was recently told that the vibe was that of me ditching everyone.  I miss you all. Summer is full of never resting time. Especially on an island.

If there is anything I need it's prayers. Prayers for patience, energy, and that I may receive love better.

Shout out to all who have seen me at work.  Also to an amazing friend. One who has stuck with me through thick and thin. Especially after I have been horrible to her. She has never faded. Even through a recent lost phone dilemma. She has never held back and been honest constantly with me. Even when I didn't want to hear it and needed it most. I owe her zorbaz or dinner on the island. I want to serve her how she has served me. I suppose this is a God thing because she has been a total blessing to me and a model of what selfless love is at times. If you were wondering. I'm constantly thankful for you even when I don't show it. Thank you. I miss you. Come for dinner. You are amazing. Also. Your eyes are way way way beautiful. In case you were wondering.

I miss you Alexandria.

I'm sorry I left so soon. God wanted me to be a camp counselor and to tell kids about His love and His son.

Much love

ø Connor ø



Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky displays what his hands have made."

Being out in the Black Hills astounds me. I'm not the type to be completely mushy and say "Awww it's so cute." But there is something about nature that just makes me stand in awe. Put me in front of a mountain with snow caps and I won't talk for at least a couple of minutes.

Beauty. God intertwined it in nature to show us a glimpse of who He is. It's all part of the void in our heart that God created in us that only He can fill.

Beauty. It is also part of the traits that God has given us, more namely, women. Let me explain. I was talking with one of my friends tonight and we were talking about how different guys and girls are. If the traits from guys and girls are combined, they show us a clearer picture of who God is. For example, God made women the beauty of the earth. That gives us such a small glimpse of beauty so that when we get to Heaven, it's totally going to blow us out of the water at how beautiful He is.

Those are just some thoughts.

Love ya,



Wow, I never thought I would get to post again.

Those of you that read still and care, here's a quick update of my life

I just purchased a guitar, lost my phone, worked myself into sickness somehow, and have no family in Alexandria, MN.

and i want to play guitar with my friend right now. .

until later

much love

ø Connor ø



It's been a while again I realize.

We have a weekend off! As a majority of a staff we are heading to Valley Fair and kickin it together. I can honestly say now that I know these people, I love these people. It's a true community/family. We struggle together, we prosper together, we get on each others nerves, we give each other joy beyond belief. You get the picture.

I was playing guitar this morning, my journey in learning this beautiful instrument has been fast and furious. I can now strum and change between: C, D, Em, G, A. So now that you all know that. (as if you needed to) it comes to the main part of the story. I played in front of all the campers and their families at closing chapel service....alone. Typically I have a safety net for guitar in my good friend Tuxie, she had kitchen duty :(. I find humor in this and I bet God did too. As I was playing the song "Humble Thyself" it seemed to be the message I needed. The prior night I was exclaiming how fun guitar was and how fast I was picking it up, forgetting my original intention: To glorify God.

After that mishap I was sure to remember who gets the glory.

Also I'm going to be a little selfish and do a public anonymous apology. Selfish because apologies are for both parties, but for the offending party it lifts a weight off their shoulders. My other shakers haven't been posting (I'm sure you all noticed) since my refresh series. It was wrong in a sense to voice my thoughts and opinions in that matter no doubt. I will also take the precaution in saying that apologizing for opinions is wrong, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it's with who the opinion affects and how the opinion is expressed is the wrong thing. Also on that note, I tried to let it pass and remind myself that I cannot see the intentions in anyone's heart. I don't know what drives people. That's only for God to know.

I am sorry.

It gets difficult to have relationships at times because as sinful beings we are broken, our relationships will reflect that because without God we cannot perfectly love or do anything. It's up to Him as to what happens and up to us whether we continue asking Him what to do or go on our own human understanding. (Humans don't understand much....at all)

With that I might be leaving you for a day or so.

Thank you for sticking with us readers, this summer is a trying one on me and I'm sure my other shakers. Keep us in your prayers as we shall keep you in ours.

P.S. I love and miss my family beyond belief, but camp is treating me way too nice. God is amazing. (that's a huge understatement.)

Much love
ø Connor ø



Staff celebration just concluded

I suppose I need to explain myself and my absence for the past while.

Last week was crazy, I was privileged to work with some amazing Servant Eventers from West St. Paul. Cleaning with them and destroying with them was too awesome. We got to clean up from the tornado damage in Wadena. Overall it was a wonderful experience. (I sound kind of hippie now)

Staff celebration weekend!!! Was outstanding, getting to connect with these people that I have come to know as family. Sorry I am so scatterbrained, everything is happening at once. I have horse campers at the moment now and...oh yeah! My parents stopped by with my brothers!!

That made my summer up to this far. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers as the move is going forward.

AHH. It's hard to voice my mind when so much is running around in my mind.

I finished reading "To Own a Dragon" by Donald Miller


He talked about how God is our "True Heavenly Father" and a role model for earthly fathers. So true. So inspiring, especially as a person in a role model position at camp. Wow and my thoughts are way too incoherent to put into post form.

Thought of the day: Our earthly fathers do things to make us happy, through that they are happy. So then wouldn't God our Heavenly Father do things to make us happy, like providing a beautiful sunset, or a good time with friends.

Much Love

ø Connor ø



Its been awhile. I have been busy this week no doubt.

This week I am blessed with an amazing group of people from St. Paul for the servant event.

I'm going to be honest. (Readers like it I hear, this honesty thing)

I was beat. Exhausted. Tired. You name it.

Somehow without fail God manages to give us energy or whatever we need. Right when we need it.

Learning guitar is still going well.

Reading " to own a dragon" by Donald Miller as well as having conversations with our local creation science dude is blessing me so greatly.

Just after father's day it hits me how tremendous of a calling that being a father is. Donald talked through a friend as to how miraculous being a father is. Loving someone instantly from birth. Not needing them to earn it or anything of the sort. I have that from my pops and he got me around 8. Let alone we all have that from God and we are all born into sin. He loves us no matter what.
Big deal I know. Most of us knew that from Sunday school. But on the real.

before we were born. He loved us unconditionally. He sent his only real son even though we defied Him. I heard all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God somewhere. But He still sent his only Son for us.


Much Love

ø Connor ø



Today marks a first.

First day in the process of learning guitar.

Ask any guitarist and I'm sure they will talk about how much their fingers hurt. Including my fellow shakers. One who is a skilled guitarist. The other owns a guitar (I'm not sure as to the extent of his experience. So lets assume he's like a guy from dragonforce)

It hurts.

Enough complaining.  Those posts aren't fun to write.

I had special needs campers this weekend. I loved it. They are so content with everything that's given to them ( for the most part =) they still have such an innocence about them.

Actually one of the best moments was when one of them tooted particularly loud during singing and campfire. I broke down laughing and stopped when he looked at me. Upon exchanging glances we both knew that fart was hilarious.

A camp counselor and his sonshine camper almost in tears. We got the awkward look from onlookers and loved it.

The craziest thing is that I get paid.

I realize my continual reminders as to me loving my job and where God has me must be getting old. I'm gonna work on it.

Much love

ø Connor ø



Week one is finished.

Its almost a surreal feeling. Kids staying back to hang with you. Clinging to whatever they can of you before time becomes a fork in the road.

Graduation is still hitting me.

I don't know if the impact these kids have on me will ever hit. Even scarier is that I am affecting them.

Enough with my apprehensions.

I want this post to speak. I want these words to move you. Yes you.

I recently found out that one of my favorite teachers just lost her husband. Needless to say. I was stunned and filled with sympathy.

This was not fair to her. You could even say God was not fair.

She loved her job as an English teacher. Actually she had roughly 200 kids a semester and she would have taken any one of them in.

She helped inspire me to speak at graduation.

She would sit and talk with me for hours about life. Her dreams. My dreams. Camping. Everything.

I rocked that speech. I loved it and gave it my best.

I'm still holding that word for you. I hope you are still holding onto yours.

I hope it moves you now. Having a word is one thing. But now is when that word should move you. Shake you to the core.

I'm going think about and pray for you a lot in the coming months and years. A lot is being asked of you. Raising two girls while holding a career.

Tall order.

You could argue God is unfair because we don't see what He has in store for us. But He never gives us more than we can handle.

Go camping.

It will hurt. It will be hard. You will feel broken for a great length of time. But things will get better.

You have made a difference in our lives. I speak on behalf of all your students because it's true.

One last thing Jefferson. Could you make me a promise.  When times get tough. When you don't think you can pull through. Think about that word. Come back to loved ones here in alexandria and know this.

You can make it.

Much love

ø Connor ø



Where we spend our time is ultimately what we treasure most.

Holy smokes.... If that saying is true, I need to re-prioritize things.

I'll be honest with you, my friends. My list probably goes as follows:
1) Computer
2) Xbox
3) Hanging with people (family, friends)
4) Doing nothing
5) Reading the Word

I'm having a hard time getting into the Word. I think I'm thinking that, since I grew up in the church reading the Bible, I know a lot of it. So the novelty has worn off.

This is kind of extreme but nonetheless a very unsettling thought as I type it. Today I did get back in the Word by following along to a podcast from Steven Furtick at Elevation Church. The series was on James 1:13-18.

It says God does not tempt us. He's brings us trials but He is not the one that tempts us. And it's not even that He puts us in the trial to see us fail. It's the very opposite. He puts you in trials so that you might have the opportunity to conquer in His name and you can learn from the situation if you fail.

So don't blame God for bad circumstances. Instead, turn to Him and ask Him to help you along. He's on your side.

Song of the Day: You're On Fire by MXPX



Its only the first week of campers.


Let me be the first to say that I got crazy blessed to have these guys in my cabin. They are so alive. Full of life, and lots of it. Its going to be hard to say goodbye on Friday.

My watch also broke.

Out of all the analogies I could pull out of my life. I got nothing. I'm beat. After week one. I know I can do this.

I gave a devotion the other night about how God has set no limit to what He believes we cab do. In John Jesus talks about how through Him we have life and life to the fullest. In Revelations it says God opened a door for us no one can shut.

Wowza. My parents tell me I can do whatever I put my mind to. I love them dearly for that. But wow. A door nobody can shut.

Ooh doggie.

All things aside. I love my geographic location. And my occupation.

Much love.

ø Connor ø


Lessons from Norway

I saw a guy smoking while riding a mo-ped.

Kids, first of all, don't smoke. But if you are going to smoke (which I really hope you don't) don't have the audacity to smoke while riding a motorcycle or mo-ped or anything of the sort.

Anyway, that was my random sighting today. Onto some other content...

I had the privilege to sit down and have some ice cream with one of the Norwegian foreign exchange students that I had the pleasure to get to know better this year. She went back today (wednesday). This morning to be more precise. But we had a good talk before she left. The thing that really stuck out to me when we were talking was what she had to say about Christianity over in Norway.

She said that people here in America focus and talk a lot more about Heaven while in Norway they focus more about the journey, (life). I like this because this causes people focus on the road getting to eternity rather than jumping straight to the ending.

This is one lesson that I have learned this year, as I look back at this crazy fast year. If I would have fast-forwarded time straight to the end of the school year, I would have missed out on the lessons I learned such as being patient when you really want something, being intentional about living and talking about my faith, and also trying to not to place myself on a pedestal and love others like Jesus loved others, which is no small feat.

All in all, I'm a wretch trying to obey God and help others along with me. The road is rocky and may have lots of potholes, but be encouraged, Christian; you're not alone. As Red Green says, "Keep your stick on the ice. We're all in this together."

Go serve your King.
Song of the Day: Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North


Refresh (part 2)

Well if anybody was wondering. My cabin is having an army worm Olympics.


Also I had another of those moments where God answers a prayer. Not how you want it or anything. Perfect.

But you can't argue with your Creator it doesn't work like that.

What answered it ended up being Blue Like Jazz.

Don talked about metaphors. The ones we use for things like cancer and relationships. We always battle cancer. We value people. Thinking about love like currency is wrong.

I was wrong.

Part one of this series was accurate to how I felt about the situation. Raw. How writing should be. It was my honest gut. Looking back a lot can be taken from the post. Whether you want to trust my perceptions is up to you.

I was looking at the wrong solution. I was making love a money thing. Saying the relationship was worth less because of a disagreement. No matter how big or offended I got. I needed to remember one thing.

God's love transcends all grudges and divisions our sin makes.

The real solution was to pour on love.

In extreme amounts

So at the end of this two day  journey I took a lot away. As for the readers and everyone else. I hope and pray you apply This lesson to conflicts. And when the problems arise. Embrace them. Jesus did promise them.

Much love
ø Connor ø


Refresh (part 1)

How to update you all entirely.

Two posts!

First one commence

Camp is treating me amazing. I would also like to informally thank everyone for making graduation awesome. My speech felt great despite crazy nerves.

I also wanna plug the Droid. Sickest phone ever.

I suppose this one is going to be an honest post. One where spoken words evade me.

To my other shaker. I'm sorry again. I cannot. Find what to say to you. I don't want to be a judgemental hypocrite. I can just voice my thoughts.

I disagree with FCA. That's a good start. Putting oneself on a pedestal based on beliefs. Hardly humbling. There is little outreach and even less inclusion. It doesn't demonstrate any values Jesus laid down. "The least of these..." etc.

He didn't want us to make a big deal of ourselves.

I realize my opinions in this particular post may decrease my popularity. But it has been bugging me.

I also don't think you make a big stand by sitting out on dances because of "grinding" or rule out classes because they may be "challenging"  (speaking of a philosophy class)

See things like that and other reasons to grab attention (which we all love) and then plastering God's name on it to seemingly increase the value of said attention. Oy

God is not a vacuum cleaner. "Selling" Him can only get so far. Jesus presented us with a lifestyle. Not a cure all that you peddle to people. He gave us a clean slate free of charge in exchange that we spread His name through the love and grace of our actions. Not our sales pitch.

I realize the great hypocracy here. Which again is why I could never organize the words without writing them.

I'm sorry.

Much love

ø Connor ø


Whadda Year

How fast has this year gone? How many memories have been made? How many lessons have been learned? How many friendships have been furthered? How many lives have been changed?

All are questions that have been bouncing around in the cortex of my brain.

I've been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting on this year. It especially hit me at about 4 in the morning at the senior party. I'm not going to see about half these people ever again. The friends that I've spent 13 years of my growing up years with will be off in their different directions, with most of them never being seen again... It's daunting, really.

It makes me ask myself, "Have I done everything I can do to make sure my peers know the love of Christ?"

You can always do better, I know. But have you legitimately made an effort to try and get that goal out there.

Don't worry, you still have the summer to make a difference. Don't be afraid to engage in that deeper conversation. Be bold and ask them, in love, where they are at with God.

Go serve your King,
Song of the Day: Safe by Phil Wickham



I have so much going on right now.

Like that isn't something we all say to ourselves like ten thousand times each day.
Readers, I've been going through a recent slump of blogging because of one reason.

I don't know what I'm thinking about. At all. I lie awake at night just thinking, I'm not even sure as to what is running through my mind. Future plans. College. Friends. Friend issues. Family. What's for breakfast tomorrow.


Much Love

ø Connor ø


The Glory of It All

As you can tell by "song of the day" choices that I love David Crowder. It's true.

Anyway, life is so great for me. The World Cup started today! I love it. One month of pure soccer. God is good. My recap of today (and I think I'm going to recap every day for the month on how each day went and how I felt about it) :

The opening match was South Africa vs. Mexico. I wanted South Africa to win cause you've gotta rep the host country, especially since it's South Africa. But it ended up in a tie 1-1, with no overtime because it's just group play. No overtime until they get out of group play.

The second game I was a little more torn on. It was France vs. Uruguay. I love Thierry Henry of France but not too many others so I ended up cheering for Uruguay and Henry. Anyway, that also ended in a tie, except this one 0-0.

I really don't like games ending in a tie, but overall, this was a great kick-off to the World Cup. Go Spain and U.S.

Keep it real, and if you live in Alex, go to McDonald's North to check out our shake day picture. I guess it's next to the pop machine. I, myself, have yet to see it so lemme know if it looks cool.

Song of the Day: The Glory of It All by David Crowder*Band



Wow. So much in my head right now. Let's organize in print.

Camp is treating me amazingly nice. I cannot get over how much I love my "job". I say job with quotes because its a sacrifice I love. Its knowing that things will be hard. Knowing that its worth it. Leading bible studies and watching their faces glow. Learning about their all powerful and glorious Creator.

I love what I do.

I also have been uber blessed. This staff. I have been raving about for so long refuses to decline in amazing Ness. At the same time I miss everyone. Such a pendulum of loving every second I'm living. And missing every second lost with the others you love.

I saw my brother liked my Facebook status.

I also nearly cried because he wasn't right there for me to hug. To give a loving punch on the arm. He knows.

I also want to pump up our guys staff this summer. Its amazing to be along for the ride with such an amazing crew. open. Receptive. Eager.

I never want to lose that eagerness to work with children

Readers. Don't let me.

Not that the ladies staff is bad. By no means. I just spend more time with the gents and we go through the same experiences.

Also I want another shout out. I'm going to miss my family so much. It seems like after this weekend. I'm cuttin the leash. I know its far from it. But that's what it feels like.

I'm also a little nervous about graduation. To be frank. And excited. And feeling bad. That empty year book isn't instantly gratifying until you have the matching diploma.

Much love

ø Connor ø


Lessons from a Pup

Alright... This puppy pictured above is both the cutest and the most frustrating object of our attention lately.

He doesn't quite understand the meaning of no, nor the importance of that simple word. I know it might just be a puppy thing but he just won't stop biting. He doesn't know when it's time to wrestle and when to settle down to just be petted.

But of course now as I'm writing this, I call him over and he is not biting and allowing me to pet him. Ironic.

Anyway, I can't help and think that this can be used as an analogy with our relationship with God. God plays the part of the human, we play the part of the dog. Though we have some smarts and common sense to go fetch a ball or follow our human, sometimes, we are dumb. We don't know when to stop biting things or ripping up pillows. And if we could only see it from God's angle, I think we would realize that what we are doing as a society is so far off the path He created for us that it's like we keep rejecting the "No" command from our master. I believe that's why there is so much suffering in the world. It's not that God wants to or He's even doing any of it. But I believe that He is allowing it. He is a just God and He will follow through on what He said in Romans 6:23. "For the wages of sin is death." But that's not it. The rest of that verse says, "But the gift of God is eternal life." This is great news for those who realize their sin! Their future can go from gloom to brighter than the sun.

Imagine with me for second: Eternity. Think about it for a second...

Seriously, think about it.

When I think about it, it makes my stomach feel weird. So then I move on to thinking about eternity in Heaven. Wow, what a glorious time of celebration, fellowship and worship. Being together with all the Christians over the ages. It will have no end.

Other end of the spectrum: eternity in Hell. This is a never-ending time of isolation. Burning both in your body and the fact of being totally separated from God. Forever.

I've heard a saying once that said this: Earth is as close to Hell that Christians will get. On the other hand, Earth is as close to Heaven that non-believers will get to.

It's true. One of my fellow shakers made the observation that he thinks the physical pain will be very much secondary compared to being apart from God for eternity. I agree whole-heartedly.

I can't stand to think of any of my friends going to spend eternity from God forever. This is my motivation to love others like Christ did.

So repent of your sins. Even if you are already saved. Repentance should be one of our biggest acts of worship because we are realizing how wretched we truly are and how much we are in need of a Savior.

I'm right there with you guys. Keep on the straight and narrow.
Song of the Day- Searching for a Savior by Building 429



Today marks the finish of staff training!
It's a good feeling to be kickin back with the staff watchin a movie in celebration. Although I wasn't there there the whole time. I feel like a part of the family.

I could actually rave on and on about this community of people.

Saturday we took a field trip to a different camp just outside of motley. Mostly for their high ropes and zipline. After that. it's hard to describe it. Like it all just feels so.



Like. I'm still a little outta whack from leaving Alex for a bit. I made it into a good family.

I suppose the only apprehension I have is just being the best I can for the kids. It sounds beyond corny but I really want to be a good role model and positive impact. Like more than anything.

Kids matter way to much.

This ones gonna be a hard one to summarize.

Basically. Find the best community you can of people. Bond with them. Love them. Take care of them.

If you are around kids. Don't be dumb. They take in EVERYTHING you do. So when you are on the biggest stage as a role model for some youth. Don't abuse it.

also. I miss you readers. I haven't talked to you in writing form in a while. I hope you all take care.

Much love

ø Connor ø



I will be hitting you guys and gals up with a post tomorrow. I have been crazy busy and such. But check put my sweet summer home.

Much love

ø Connor ø


James 1:22

"Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

Straight from the Word. There it is.

Hypocrisy is probably one of the biggest things I see in America among Christians, myself included sometimes. It bugs me how often I see it around. It's at that moment where I catch myself judging others when it's not my place to judge.

I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately. I just have not been feeling it. I'm going to get in the Word a lot more and I'll get back to you on what I've been learning.

Again, apologies. Keep it real.
Song of the Day: My Generation by Starfield


Departure (students)

This is definitely a post from my phone at camp. I love it here. This place. If I haven't told you already. Its wonderful. The staff is amazing. I cannot express my excitement for man time in the guys village. I'm absolutely thrilled to be here. I already have stories that I will update you with tomorrow on a computer.

This post is for my classmates, peers, and friends. I'm sorry. I hate goodbyes. I didn't sign a single yearbook. I didn't have anybody sign mine. I would gladly sign one but that means closure. I hate closure. High school friends shouldn't be a story with an end. The worst part is.

I have so much to write. It would kill me to gradually sign away my friends as if to say see ya. Each word another inch apart we would grow over time. All I want to do is make them smile. My friends and classmates that is. Even if its a fake one. I want them to escape the bleak reality that is graduation. It means promise and hopes of a good future no doubt. Even more. It means a book being finished. Epilogue is done with and its off to be printed and sit in a library. Begging to be read.

I want to live this story for longer. I want to be with those people for longer than a day. I'm sorry to all of you. I'm so selfish with goodbyes because I hate them so much.

I know I'm in a better place and the only way I would change it would be for the chance to bring everyone here. To see this island I have come to love so much. This island represents a story that never has to end. Chapters just keep getting added.

One last apology. Because I am truly sorry. You all deserved better. I want to tell you all how amazing you are and how I have come to know and appreciate you all for everything.

I cannot wait to see you Tuesday and tell you of my tales at this island.

Have a great last day class of 2010. I miss you and hope you trust that I love where I am at.

Much love

ø Connor ø


To My Brother in Christ

This one is for my brother in Christ that I have just recently been getting close to over the past year.

You are a stud. It's unbelievable how you have changed my walk with God. For real. You've caused me to look at things from a complete different view. It's crazy how many views there are to God but for Him to still be the same, solid Being forever. He has never changed. So you have completely rocked that part of me.

I also wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I know it may have seemed that I was crossing you on every quote you read to me but you gotta understand I've been raised pretty conservative. Some of that stuff is a total new way of thinking for me. When I said that they "threw flags" in my mind, I didn't mean for you to think that I hated the author. I just wanted to either check it out for myself or I didn't understand it and I needed further explaination. I didn't mean for you to think I hated all of those books.

Dude, I'm not gonna lie though. It's tough not having been able to talk to you lately. I feel like you're trying to distance me. So I hope this helps. I don't want some books to come in between us. We should at least be sharing the living Book that matters the most over all.

I love ya buddy. I'm ready to talk with you when you are.
-your brother in Christ

Song of the Day: Until My Heart Caves In by Audio Adrenaline


Departure (Staff)

My room is a mess.

I haven't studied enough. (but I will start soon) =D

I have no clue what to and not to pack for this summer and fall.

Everything is a good mess.

Now is where I should begin the real content of this post.

You see this one is going to be difficult, I'm shooting at a "yearbook" entry for everyone I can handle because I won't be in school Friday. I love LIC too much and District 206 has kept me from my commitment to Camp and my fellow staff. I miss them too.

Ok, first is first. Teachers

I don't think I could name names throughout this whole process, hopefully I can be vaguely accurate to where they forward it to each other. I had the privilege in my past three years to have absolutely wonderful educators in charge of my future. All the way from a math teacher that saw me struggle with Algebra II and helped as well as made it a point I establish good study habits. Thank you. I had a ridiculously amazing Spanish teacher, I still know much of that knowledge, still call her senora (sorry no tilde), even had prob and stats with her the next year. I mean really, Que quieres que haga? Even my english teachers, I was blessed to have such amazing teachers that showed me that the rules are great, but so is good writing and sometimes you need to break the rules. I had the most supportive Public Speaking teacher I could have asked for, she helped me develop my speech that I'm going to be giving on the 13th, and I will admit I'm feeling butterflies, but we both know I can do it. I had a science teacher that saw and knew my potential and spent a good portion of the year dragging it out of me. I had a crazy Pre-Calc teacher that taught a little more than just math, he taught about class, and being classy. Not to mention we have a ridiculous amazing guidance counselor/ high jump coach.

Oh dear, to the reader from a different school district I'm sorry. I just have amazing staff at my school.

My advisor gets a section all her own. She's phenomenal. I can't believe it's already graduation and I can't believe I'm speaking. Thank you for all the proof readings, and organizing SLAM!'s big hoorah at the end of the year. It was a pleasure to be a part of that, and helping so many preteens.

I think I have a couple more in me. One shout out has to go to a middle school teacher who I was privileged enough to visit her room and talk about PSI and have fun with the kids. Just so you know, PSI was one of the major reasons I joined SLAM! I also have to throw one out there to my weightroom teacher/coach. I think we both know that I didn't come around until this year, if you didn't know already. You are a ridiculous guy. It was a blast in track and in weights. (If I had motivation for football, that might have been sweet too). There was also a guy in my school, his room was like a whole in the wall, he ignited my passion for photography and photoshop. That was crazy. As well as just today, I have never sang in choir, but the choir teacher knows me, is nice to me, and lets me play piano. Also I had a crazy Econ teacher who I still believe knows how to say "coke" the right way....I heard you on the track bus.

If I remember any more teachers I will be sure to update this.

Thank you so much for your time, commitment, and dedication. I think we all know the job has it's perks and downsides, but you all stick it through day in and day out. I want a special shout out to all the office staff, guidance, athletics, main office. I have yet to be scared to go into an office. Actually, sometimes I just go there to talk.

I know this may seem like horrid grammar and phrasing, but it's hard to find the right words for thank you's.

Much Love

ø Connor ø



This is going to be odd timing for this post indeed.

I have a lot on my mind no doubt but this is something that started as a whisper in my mind.

Until it started screaming.

This is a post straight up to my Pops. (that's how I have him in my phone)

I got to be blessed to be around camp this past weekend and will be up there recurrently until I start working there this summer after our late graduation (I have to shout to you guys to remind you I miss you and cannot wait to meet all of you fully, especially my fellow guys counselors)

But back to the point. I was talking to a fellow male counselor during "one-on-one" time and our dads both came up and he and his dad had disagreements about this and that. I could agree with him fully. The thing is...

I didn't want to. Everyone dreams of that "dad" where something goes wrong and you head to the driving range, or the back yard to play catch and talk about it. The dad who drops everything and says "lets go kick it, you feel like shootin stuff?" (not people of course, targets or deer, mmm, deer)

I could take the time to think about how I didn't have all of that. Just some guy that I didn't agree with and came into my life when I was about 8 years old.

That would be teaching myself how to paint lies as truth, continually taking this beautiful truth paint I've been given, and trying to use a foul brush of lies and my selfishness to illustrate my feelings.

I'm sure now that I've carried you this deep into the post (assuming you read it all), we should start seeing the shift. What the real truth is.

My Pops is a rockstar. I miss him so much right now. Being gone for two weeks is ridiculous. We don't even talk that much around the house. It's just his presence. Just knowing if the bad guys come, someone is going to jail that night and when they arrive in the cell the other prisoners will exchange looks thinking "what happened to him?"

This stud of a Pops fresh out of college took on my mom and three kids, myself included in that. How many people can handle that fresh out of college and succeed? Not many.

I picked up a book by Donald Miller called To Own A Dragon about growing up without a father, which Miller did. Yes I realize in the midst of a post about my Pops it's odd to bring up a book about growing up without a father. I picked it up moreso because it discusses the importance of good realtions with your father and this and that. It's next on my list.

I want my college years to be more about getting along, it seems to be a fitting time seeing as finances are going to be...questionable, with Concordia St. Paul and such in the future.

I hope he reads it after me as well, from the stories I've heard it sounds like he got jipped out of a childhood.

I am not saying this to judge any fathers of any sort. Being a dad is one of the most honorable things any man can do. If they do it well.

This is more of a note to my Pops, that I love you. I want to be able to talk and hang when I come back from school, if and when that happens. I'm still in the air about that.

Come back home, you are missed.

Much Love

ø Connor ø


Too Techinical

Luke 14:1-6 NLT
"One Sabbath day Jesus went to eat dinner in the home of a leader of the Pharisees, and the people were watching him closely. There was a man there whose arms and legs were swollen. Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in religious law, 'Is it permitted in the law to heal people on the Sabbath day, or not?' When they refused to answer, Jesus touched the sick man and healed him and sent him away. Then he turned to them and said, 'Which of you doesn't work on the Sabbath? If your son or your cow falls into a pit, don't you rush to get him out?' Again they could not answer."
Jesus was so ridiculous to the Pharisees. I love reading about everytime He came in contact with them. The Pharisees thought that they had everything right and they were so much more "holy" than everybody else. So much so that when Jesus came, their vision was blind to seeing who he really was because they were so blinded by trying to keep the law and pointing out faults in everybody else. But when Jesus came, He set a whole new standard. The adultery bar was set even higher to the point of lusting after a woman was adultery. The murder bar was pushed up to even looking at your brother in hate was just as bad as killing him.

But in this particular passage, He makes the point that we're not supposed to be complete bums with the Sabbath day. Yes, it is good to have a day of rest, but that shouldn't keep you from continuing your witness and testimony to Christ. We're not supposed to be 6-days-a-week Christians. We should always be ready to give an answer for our faith. (1 Peter 3:15-16)

So don't run yourself into the ground by being so busy. Take a rest, in that sense. But never stop living the way we ought to. This life that we have now been called to.

Galatians 2:20 "My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Live by the Word,
Song of the Day: Beautiful King by Danyew


Chill Time

I'm going to second Connor's part of his last post when he said he's starting to get nervous for the end of school. Finals, grad parties, graduation ceremony. But I'm not dwelling on that right now.

At the present, I'm chilling with my aunt and two cousins in our hotel room. Watching soccer highlights from last year's World Cup, Twin's game tonight and lovely conversation. Needless to say, we are chilling. And I'm loving it.

So take some time to enjoy your family and do something fun to make a memory. Especially you seniors that leave next fall. Enjoy your family while you can. That's what I'm starting to learn.

One last thing. Verse of the day for my boot tomorrow: 1 Timothy 6:8 "If we have food and clothes, let us be content."

Song of the Day: Wonder of the World by Rush of Fools



Today indeed marks a first.

First post from Lutheran Island Camp (where I will be staying for the duration of the summer)
First post from my wonderful friend Tuxie's laptop. Tuxie also happens to be an adult.
First post with my wonderful newly acquired friend Flash.

It already feels like something amazing is happening, just being on the island.

Well I suppose you should see the island before I continue

www.islandcamp.org - The camp's official website
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvnlww-aFLo&feature=related -a video shot by a production crew to help promote the island.

I'll be the first senior to say (in blog form) that I'm nervous in blog form. I have too many things to do (and in walks my new friend Theatre) Finals to study for, homework to make up for my internship. AHH! (Caps are tacky, but necessary and effective?)

But for some reason I can't think about school...

I'm going to a rant about camp for a post.

This place is beautiful. Green everywhere, grass, trees, from the sky it's an emerald in the midst of the blue surroundings. I don't actually know how to put words to this.

The community. I have only been here for a night or so and met a little of the staff and they are already welcoming and receptive. It seems that I always encounter the good people in life. I probably have a crew of people that won't enjoy my company waiting for me later on. Let's all hope I'm prepared for when that day comes.

I have a grad party to attend to bloggers, it's for a good friend of mine. Congratulations Stephanie! Your speech was wonderful. I'm actually going to be running into you in a little bit.

Much Love
ø Connor ø



Tonight is going to be another big post, hopefully because today is going to be a crazy day.

But I'm going to quick do this post cause it's been on my mind for a while.

I posted about my next oldest brother, now my next next oldest brother has one coming. I hope by getting these out I can come to grips with how much I am actually going to miss my brothers, which will be a tremendous.

Straight up, you scare me. It's scary to see someone so much like you because the whole time you're seeing that person you wonder. Am I someone they should really look up to. Am I good enough. I find myself over analyzing what I do. So I might be better. I even feel like I'm setting the bar too high, the whole time knowing and expecting you to jump over it with ease.

I suppose the reason I get annoyed with you is because you are so much like me. Everybody sees it. Everybody knows it. That's probably why you are one of my best friends. Probably why it's so common to find us hanging out playing video games, or rolling our eyes at the same thing. I could write on and on, but before I go off to camp. I'm gonna make time, we're gonna beat Army of Two: 40th Day. I'm going to promise you that right here and now in writing. So all our readers have to keep me to it. I am going to miss you like crazy when I'm gone.

This goes to you and all brothers, I'm going to miss you way too much in St. Paul.

Two brothers down, one to go. Your post will come before I leave, worry not.

Much Love

ø Connor ø


Wedding Day

Today is the day this trip is all about.

The Wedding.

This morning at 10 is when it goes down. This blog post goes out to my cousin and his fiance. I love you guys and make no mistake that we will be praying for God's blessings in your marriage. I look up to you both in your faith. Keep reflecting the Light and loving each other like Christ does to the church.

Peace out, readers.
Song of the Day: Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath



This one has been on my mind for a while.

I've been seriously pondering it.

I also want a disclaimer. You can choose to take this or leave this.

I was reading Blue Like Jazz the other day and Donald was talking about a time when he was at Reed college (which is largely atheist) and he talked about how he was abandoning the term "Christian" (don't freak out yet) by abandoning he meant this

"Hey Don are you Christian?"
Well, I suppose you could say that, but I think of myself as a follower of Jesus.

He did this because there has been so much done in history in "the name of God" (i.e. The Crusades, Columbus' genocide of the indians etc.) and it was horrible. He had heard from so many students on campus about Christians judging them in "the name of God" (granted a lot of this depends greatly on the situation, so don't jump to large conclusions). Even that wasn't the biggest thing that rocked my mind.

Reed College closes campus for a weekend so students can run around naked, drink, smoke weed, use LSD, and other things that God would frown upon. During that weekend Don and his friends built a confessional in the middle of campus with a sign "confess your sins here". You would think this is appropriate with all the sinning going on at campus.

There was a twist.

Don and his friends would be confessing their sins and sins of past Christians. Apologizing for the Cruades and Columbus, even apologizing for their own shortcomings and how they failed to meet the standard Christ set for them.

In this fashion. I would like to apologize to you readers, I have been short of the standard Jesus set, I have judged, I have insulted, I have lusted, I am a lowly sinner that has fallen short of the expectations.

I hope you can forgive me and my forefathers that have done horrible to you or your ancestors.

I also hope that if you find fitting, that you pray for me in my journey. This time is not the first time I have failed, and it won't be the last.

"If we are not willing to wake up in the morning and die to ourselves, perhaps we should ask ourselves whether or not we are really following Jesus."

Much Love

ø Connor ø


The Word

Where are getting our info?

Often times, and a lot more lately for some reason, I find myself getting good quotes from books and preachers I've been reading or listening to, respectively. But I've been thinking to myself, "Where am I getting my food for the day?"

Of course when I say food I don't mean physical food. Don't get smart with me. ;)

I mean my spiritual food. What I learn from. Where I get my substance. And lately I've been realizing that it all seems to come up empty. Don't get me wrong, there are some ridiculously good quotes out there that I adore, but when it stands by itself and that's all we listen to, how am I getting my fill from that alone?

I've been putting too much weight on these books and quotes. I need to get back to what I was doing before.

Revelation 2:5 "Think about where you have fallen from, and then turn back and do as you did at first. If you don't turn back, I will come and take away your lampstand."

There we go. It's all about...

The Word
Song of the Day: I Am New by Joel Hanson



So as I was fretting about earlier, here's a special preview of my "It's Our Turn" for the Echo:

Being the photography intern for two weeks has be a privilege, especially at the Echo Press. But I'm not going to write about being the intern, nobody wants to read an article about how a high school student learned how to take pictures and edit them. How he managed to lose valuable equipment while on the field, well it was a pretty important camera battery. At the least, I don't want to read that article.
Readers want something that's fun to read, something that will leave them with a little lesson to take away from the experience. (I'm actually generalizing the readers, I hope it's a good generalization) Most of all.
People want a good story to read.
To be able to forget about everything going on in life and press the pause button. Only to realize the remote doesn't work. In Donald Miller's book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years life is compared to a story lived by each individual, and like all stories, some are fun to hear and some aren't. In fashion with other books that provoke thought.
I wanted to apply this book to my life.
What had I been doing to make my story fun to hear and take part in? Graduating high school? Attending college next year? One of the main components of any good story includes a character (me) overcoming conflict to gain something they want. (actually I don't even know what I want from life) I just know for sure that I want my story to be told and enjoyed.
Now is the time I should zero in on a topic I suppose.
One of my favorite quotes from the book has to be along the lines of
"When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are."
In the social driven world we're in today that quote sounds like the skeleton key to unlock all of our problems at the workplace, home, and everywhere. Personally I tend to, “raise the bar” for my family, peers, and coworkers. By that I mean. Everybody should know what I want and do things my way. So whether I'm working or taking y turn to be the consumer, it's not uncommon for me to be a bit...demanding. Ironically this brushes over the famed “Golden Rule” to which we teach our youth to value and make decisions based on. I'm going to make an assumption: I'm not the only person that forgets the Golden Rule.
Treating others the way you would like to be treated is such a wonderful way to start a new chapter in your story. It's been a work in progress for mine but I'm noticing differences already. Being a cashier in my occupation has brought out the best, and worst in both me and at times customers. If you were to poll retail associates across all time and space about their favorite customers, one similarity would stick out. Patience, and cooperation are the most dynamic components of a good customer, even from the customer point of view. I find that when I don't blow up my purchase of eggs into something much more than a minor transaction, everything flows better.
So next time you roll up to your local grocer or retail venue, think about this mere column you read, and write a better chapter into your life.

Much Love
ø Connor ø



It's an early post from Connor!

For some reason I can't seem to post during the day, I get worried about vampires reading my posts, not right away? But that's beside the point.

I'm feelin the pressure shaker readers, for me, that's an odd thing. I'm writing a column for the paper I've been interning with and I can't nail it down. I can write blogs whenever I want. I can give my graduation speech in front of my class, parents, and friends (On June 13th that is). But for some odd reason this one is getting my goat.

I just can't do it.
According to Chiodos "All the world's a stage" and this is my first big taste of it. Unlike our blog to which our readers are amazing and the number of them remains anonymous, the paper. It's in every grocery store, every gas station, and in those dispensers where you put in a buck for one and people take like ...three.

I realize this blog is another short one kind of, but it's a jittery one. I gotta make my one time in print count. Then again hopefully it isn't just one time. If I could get together with the shakers and write a book. That would make me beyond happy.

"...to be in a relationship with God is to be loved purely and furiously. And a person who thinks himself unlovable cannot be in a relationship with God because he can't accept who God is; a Being that is love. We learn that we are lovable or unlovable from other people...That is why God tells us so many times to love each other."
Donald Miller

Much Love

ø Connor ø


The Trek

Here we come, Kentucky.
My family and I are making a trek to Lexington, Kentucky.

Day 1- No casualties... Yet. My bro made some glances at me that made me think he was getting shifty but I think all is well in this clan so far.

I'm very happy in making the choice to come and spend this time to make one last endeavor with my family -whom I love to no end- instead of going to conference. Although it turned out that I couldn't with the whole ordeal with my foot.

Anyway, just to keep you guys posted, everything is well. I will ask for prayer though tonight as I climb into the bed I have to share with my bro-bro. Pray he wouldn't beat me up in his sleep or kick me as hard as he kicks the soccer balls on the field. The past record has been clean but there are firsts for everything.... :)

Have a good night, my friends. Love somebody. Don't get nit-picky on details between each other. Love them for who they are and continue to grow in friendships. This is what I'm trying to do also.

Song of the Day: Born Again by Newsboys



Today was just like a Monday, but my calendar says "Tuesday"
I don't know if I have a full post in me. Let me sleep on it. I might wake up in a frenzy with inspiration. Lets hope so.

Much Love
ø Connor ø


Your Welcome

Your wishes have been granted fellow readers! I linked each post with the name of the writer. So now if you have a favorite author you can just click on his name and read each of his posts, without having to search our entire blog.

Also, everyone is now allowed to comment. You do not have to be a follower of the blog or have a g-mail account. I changed the setting so anonymous readers can leave a comment. Feel free to leave your name, but we're not pressuring you to.

Hope you enjoy the new settings!



Gentlemen Lesson #3

What's going on with me? I haven't had a gentlemen's lesson since forever! It must be the crazy weather we've been having. Snow, rain, 80 degree weather, all in the last month.

Ok gentlemen, it's time to step up your game and 'wow' everyone out there. This lesson is focusing on giving up your seat when someone is looking for a seat or who looks uncomfortable standing up. I know this is going to take some sacrafice--standing on your own two feet for who knows how long! It can really take a toll on you. Of course I'm kidding! Partake in a little physical activity and let someone else enjoy the relaxation of sitting down on a comfy chair or couch.

There are some situations where you should not give up your seat, however. Let's say you're having a conversation with someone on a couch. Don't give up your seat and be rude to the other person who you were just talking to.

Once you have given up your seat try to act as cool and comfortable as possible. If you look awkward and uneasy people will notice since you have now become the center of attenion. Make it seem like you actually enjoy standing (even if you don't). Lean up against a pole or wall, talk with other standers, start an aerobic exercise, whatever it takes to remind other people in the room that you have no objection to standing.

I garauntee that your good deed will not go unnoticed. No one will probably ever say it to your face but everyone in the room will be thinking how nice and considerent you are for standing. This is especially true when giving up your seat to a grandparent. They'll go up to your parents and tell them how you are such a nice young man. They might even give you a quarter. A WHOLE QUARTER!!! So keep your eyes open for the opportunities, keep your legs in shape, and stand.



Guys and Gals
It's late
If you are actually awake to catch this posted somewhat live
You are beyond words

Today is another one of those days
I'm sure all of us have had those days, where its a turning point
Closing doors in the seemingly never ending hallway of life
Opening doors that lead to new hallways
New stories with new characters

If you were wondering as to why the sentimental intro
today will mark my last day at the grocery store where I work
I know there is a crowd in the audience, if you could please stand up
You know who you are, the group that is in their mind thinking
I've been there, I'm so excited for you to just get out of that job.
Okay you can sit back down
This one is going to be tough
No I may not be leaving permanently
It feels like Office Space slightly
Where you have a crew of people you love to be around and work with
while the system is slightly...."off"

I am in the process of leaving one of those workplaces

It was tough to leave officemax because we were such a tight knit team there
I'm actually starting to get deja vu
Let me ride this one out readers,
That eerie feeling where, "I've done this before, this is so familiar"

I suppose being the fan of shout outs I am
This is one
To all the people at Eldens that have worked with me
All the people that have made those long days bearable
and the long nights
To any customer that came through my line,
I hope I improved your day somehow
I tried

This is to all of the coworkers that I will get to see again,
because I want to
because you put a smile on my face
make my heart light
let me know that I'm worth spending time with

I've been talking about Donald Miller constantly
I want you all to know
You have added to my story
Playing as various characters
Heroes, Jesters, Princesses, Lifeguards, Friends
Helping to make some average guy's story a little more worth listening to

Readers, thank you for reading my shout outs, I hope to give you all the one you deserve
Everybody alive should have their name praised
If not for anything, let it be in celebration of their miraculous existence
To be born is a miracle in itself
Two humans to create another

So to all the readers,
Thank You

Also, Aunt Amanda this is a brief snippet of a shout out coming your way in the future
Thank you for reading
It means more than you know

It feels like a promotion from babysitter to somewhat author
But you gave me some amazing cousins
I would never say no if you wanted me to babysit them
The first cousins I knew personally and had the privilege of getting attached to
The first helper cousin that helped me pack for camp
The first baby cousin to fall asleep in my arms

Thank you.

Once more thank you readers
From myself and the other shakers

"Dying for something is easy because it is associated with glory. Living for something is the hard thing. Living for something extends beyond fashion, glory, or recognition. We live for what we believe."
Donald Miller

Much Love
ø Connor ø


Master of Emotions

I don't think I've written for a while because I'm getting a little lazy. Hahaha when I saw Connor's last post I was like, "Holy crap... It's so long." hahaha

But anyway, I've been trying to make the best out of the situations I'm placed in. For example, I'm getting really anxious about leaving for college. But I'm feeling the need to try and pick out what I love about the present instead of complaining about the stuff I don't like. I think this is what God is telling us about when He told us we can live life to the fullest if we stick with Him (see John 10:10).

He wants us to experience all of these emotions that He has created in us. Sad, happy, angry, confused, helpless, joy, being content. Once we have experienced them, we can learn how to deal with them. Once we learn to deal with them, we master them (with the help of God of course). It's at that point where we can truly experience all life has for us.

I'm not saying I'm at that point at all. I'm just thinking out loud and trying to understand stuff with you.

Song of the Day: Like It, Love It, Need It by dc Talk


Tomorrow, my friends

i'll be writing tomorrow.

Sorry i haven't written in a while. i've been busy.

Love ya'll,
Song of the Day- All My Balloons by Children 18:3



Now that my internet is not freaking out I can update you guys on everything (that being a big assumption you care, but since you are reading this I will assume you do)

Let's roll back to Friday

Good day, consisting of wrapping up my first week at the Echo and I got to cover the mock car crash at JHS, some sweet photos came from that. Pool day for track, another win. Shake Day! yet another win. Got home and didn't work till 11, so I got to nap. In the mail came "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller, major win. I had been waiting for that book for far too long.

The best thing about that timing. I had all night to read it.

I devoured that book, Donald Miller has such a wonderful voice and way of approaching things and his views on his own life are out of this world, but I will rave about the book more later.

On to Saturday. (I think a frowny face would be appropriate) =(

Read well over half of my newfound book and friend by 7 am when I was leaving work. At home I put the book down in hopes of sleeping before track at 9. Lo and behold 8:45 rolled around and so did I. The same tension in my head occurred between the lazy Connor and the "goody-goody" Connor (as quoted by lazy Connor).

"Go to track!"
"I can miss a Saturday, nobody will be there anyways"
"Go to track!"
"Eh, Ludwig and Sam aren't even going, why should I?"
"Go to track!"
"You are really getting annoying there you know."
"Go to track!"

As you can see, goody-goody Connor won that battle. To track I went. Meanwhile the heavens opened for a brief period of time with booms and tiny falling wet reminders that I should have brought a rain coat.

9 rolled around sometime when I rolled into the parking lot and proceeded into the school to wait. I wish I could tell you I was waiting a short time for practice to start. Scratch that I wish I could tell you I was waiting to win a car, or a full ride scholarship for the next 5 years.

But I wasn't.

I was waiting nearly forty-five minutes for the supposed "nine-o-clock sharp" practice to start. On an hour and forty-five minutes of sleep, that's a long time to wait for something depriving you of a prolonged experience of eye-shutting. Throughout practice lazy Connor was echoing in my head how wrong goody-goody Connor really was. I had to agree with him while I was running way too much, and while my legs were pounding I think they agreed too. To top it all off I managed to give myself a bloody nose. Brilliant. I only have a few silver linings in this day, and after running my workout came one of them.

Putting away the High Jump pits.

Yes, doing physical work and lifting heavy things came to be one of the better points in that day. Some time to talk to my coach/counselor/anything else you need her to be, it was enjoyable to say the least. We got to talk about my horrible attitude and how it is such a rarity. (I try to stay upbeat, but today it wasn't happening.) Along with that I got to talk more about Donald Miller, which led to C.S. Lewis, which ended up with "The Shack" which I think I need to pick up and read eventually. Just one more time through Donald Miller though. I am glad that happened, it made the practice somewhat worthwhile.

Home! Sleep! Being woken up by some kid at work that wanted me to pick him up an energy drink. Driving to do it (goody-goody won out again) I was thinking to myself "How did Jesus do it? How did he resist the urge to think badly about people and punch them in the face?" Some days I think God sets the bar way too high, and He knows it, He also pushes me through it all and tells me to look at the bar again. Whether I knocked it down or not. It ended up being way below where I was that morning.

After the energy drink delivery...(dramatic tension) SLEEP!

Another silver lining coming up.

It seems moms can read minds. Whether that be good or bad, it was good this time. Waking up at some point in time, numbers matter not. My Mom swept into my room with this heroic glow about her, as if she knew at the point in time she was going to make everything better.

"Hey, yeah we picked you up an Arbys melt, Jamocha Shake and Curly fries."

Best statement I had heard all day.

After that I slept more and went to work where I hung out with my main man Lenny, but that's all for another post.

Back to "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" because that book is all I can think about. In it Miller's previous memoir "Blue Like Jazz" is going to be made into a movie, and throughout the process he is learning about how his life was "boring" and things to improve it. The whole time he is with the people that write scripts and screenplays and a lot of emphasis is put on "story" and what makes a good one. Relating that to life he talks about the essentials of a good story and how those can make the "story" of our lives better. Granted I could tell every element he discusses but in short:

A good story must have a character that overcomes conflict to gain something they desire

A good story involves sacrifice of the character

A good story has good scenery

Those being just three of the main points he covers (don't worry I will post more of them later on) It is an inspiring book that invites you to improve the story of your life.

One of my favorite analogies (or speculations) he states is one where he thinks that once it's all said and done we will be in heaven with God talking about our lives and telling Him all the stories we had shared with Him and our loved ones, and Miller feared he wouldn't have anything to say to God.

Later on in the book he is talking about Ecclesiastes and the advice on living a meaningful life boils down to this.

Find a job you like, enjoy your marriage, and obey God

"It's as though God is saying, Write a good story, take somebody with you, and let me help"

I want to leave you all with that hoping that you will either pick this up or pay attention to further posts about this book by me. I hope you all with that brief knowledge of the book think about your story. Is it interesting? Is it an easy story where there is not challenge or conflict or growth?

One last quote from Donald and I will leave you.

"We live in a world where bad stories are told, stories that teach us life doesn't mean anything and that humanity has no great purpose. It's a good calling, then, to speak a better story. How brightly a better story shines. How easily the world looks to it in wonder. How grateful we are to hear these stories, and how happy it makes us to repeat them."

Much Love

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