Week one is finished.
Its almost a surreal feeling. Kids staying back to hang with you. Clinging to whatever they can of you before time becomes a fork in the road.
Graduation is still hitting me.
I don't know if the impact these kids have on me will ever hit. Even scarier is that I am affecting them.
Enough with my apprehensions.
I want this post to speak. I want these words to move you. Yes you.
I recently found out that one of my favorite teachers just lost her husband. Needless to say. I was stunned and filled with sympathy.
This was not fair to her. You could even say God was not fair.
She loved her job as an English teacher. Actually she had roughly 200 kids a semester and she would have taken any one of them in.
She helped inspire me to speak at graduation.
She would sit and talk with me for hours about life. Her dreams. My dreams. Camping. Everything.
I rocked that speech. I loved it and gave it my best.
I'm still holding that word for you. I hope you are still holding onto yours.
I hope it moves you now. Having a word is one thing. But now is when that word should move you. Shake you to the core.
I'm going think about and pray for you a lot in the coming months and years. A lot is being asked of you. Raising two girls while holding a career.
Tall order.
You could argue God is unfair because we don't see what He has in store for us. But He never gives us more than we can handle.
Go camping.
It will hurt. It will be hard. You will feel broken for a great length of time. But things will get better.
You have made a difference in our lives. I speak on behalf of all your students because it's true.
One last thing Jefferson. Could you make me a promise. When times get tough. When you don't think you can pull through. Think about that word. Come back to loved ones here in alexandria and know this.
You can make it.
Much love
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