
Actually I'm writing this just to put off cleaning my room for a house showing, but that's beyond the point. I had thought about this blog idea from corny movies like "Julie & Julia" (thats the only blog related movie I can think of at the moment) but never seemed to find a niche of people to write it with me. I'm boring alone. Hopefully my co-authors will introduce themselves in a similar manner to this.

I am Connor

Romeo-explanation (he cares for people, mainly juliet, but in a similar way I too like to care for people, males and lady types alike)

I love longboarding, camp, friends, family, Concordia St. Paul, and Jesus!

The premise of this blog is not only to unite friends merely, but to entertain and examine the many intricacies of this life we are all living.

Big thought of the day: Registered at CSP today and loved it as well as got the theme verse for the LIC summer season (Lutheran Island Camp) "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15

To all the future readers and my fellow posters, I hope this is a great journey for all of us.